We need to make sure they have the right attitude to deliver the results that we want…The WIN!

THE SCENARIO: You’re tracking an opportunity to bid. You’re well positioned, know the customer well, have been listening to your customer and are putting all the ingredients in place to deliver a winning proposal. You now face the task of selecting your key personnel, the same personnel that will deliver the oral presentation component of your proposal to your customer. What do you do now? How will you get them ready to succeed? Here are some ideas to help you further position yourself for success.

FIRST, SELECT THE RIGHT PEOPLE: I always recommend that companies select key personnel based first on technical and management qualifications and second on presenting ability. Too often, companies think that a "good" presenter with weak qualifications will win over a customer, but our customers can see right through an "empty suit." Make the effort to get the right people with the right qualifications in place. They will have the right attitude. Remember that technical and management qualifications take a lifetime to build and maintain. On the other hand, your key personnel can make the transformation to being an effective and powerful presenter quite rapidly in the right environment.

SECOND, SET THEM UP TO SUCCEED: Are there ways you can incentivize your key personnel to succeed? Types of incentives may include money, training, choice assignments (win or lose), relief from other duties during the proposal process and rehearsal cycle, Your personnel take a big risk and make a big commitment when they step up to present, how can you recognize that commitment long before contract award?

THIRD, HEAR THEIR FEARS AND CONCERNS: Your key personnel will improve when their fears are heard. Their fears may lie in many different areas, and the fears may block them from improving. If you give them a safe outlet to voice their fears about delivering the presentation or about the proposal, they will then be able to overcome those fears and make the transformation to becoming an effective presenter. This work is key in my coaching practice. I see results almost immediately when I provide that sounding board and recommend solutions.

FOURTH, PUT THEM IN AN ENVIRONMENT TO SUCCEED: Your presenters’ attitudes will change dramatically when the environment to improve is right. There are several key elements to consider. How tired are they? Presenters can’t hear criticism and coaching when they are tired. Get them rest before the rehearsal cycle to make sure they can put the energy into the presentation. Also, are they distracted? Presenters will improve only when they can focus on the presentation at hand.

There’s more! To deliver conviction, energy, and confidence, your presenters need the right attitude. I look forward to helping your presenters deliver great presentations!