The company introduced several new capabilities to improve both customer and consultant relations.

  • OCI developed an improved timesheet tracking process to ensure that invoices are submitted without delay.
  • In order to maintain better communications with the consultants, the company installed a consultant portal. A key feature of the portal allows the consultants to register their availability on OCI’s Sales Force management system over the web.
  • The company installed a direct deposit system. This capability will be opened to the consultants during 2012.
  • The company declared a 4% dividend to shareholders.
  • Charitable contributions were made to support a scholarship at the College of William and Mary; scholarships allowing 32 children in Kampala, Uganda to attend school; and loaded Kindle devices for the Lakojjo Village orphanage in Uganda.

OCI is expecting an exciting year and looking forward to the many new projects planned including a new e-marketing program. The system was tested with promising results in 2011, and it is expected to help significantly expand the customer base in 2012. Further, OCI plans to continue hiring in their Reston, Virginia location.