Winning a Contract
under the
$77B NASA SEWP VI Program
Winning a Contract under the $77B NASA SEWP VI Program
The NASA SEWP VI RFP is out.
NASA SEWP has always been an exciting program to bid. A challenging RFP to work. But a great reward to win, based on the popularity of the contract with federal agencies needing IT products and services.
Since there will be an estimated 900 bids, any company needing consultants to win is warned to start now. Last time, those companies waiting late often found the experienced consultants taken.
Changes in the program.
A look at the requirements reflects how the industry has flowered since SEWP V — with cloud, virtualization, AI, and a host of other new tech. But probably the change most pleasing to industry is the expansion of SEWP to include full strategic enterprise services.

Consultant Help to Win SEWP VI
OCI had 10 customers on the SEWP V program, and we helped all of them to win contracts. Service provided included strategy, whole proposal support, and proposal staff augmentation. Among OCI consultants are 80 individuals with experience on the NASA SEWP program. A call now will give you a better chance of getting exactly what you want.
Those interested in discussing the SEWP program can dial 703-689-9600 or submit a service form.

We helped all 10 of our SEWP V customers win proposals.

We offer full proposal support to help you win.

OCI consultants with experience on the NASA SEWP program.
Proposal Readiness Review (PRR)
The most valuable thing most bidders can do right now to up their odds — is to perform a Proposal Readiness Review (PRR). This involves getting a qualified consultant to compare your capability to the RFP requirements.
The end result is that you know where you stand and what more needs to be done. Or in some cases that the lift is just too heavy.