Jared Serbu —

The Army is taking new steps to speed up its adoption of cloud computing, even as the fate of the Defense Department’s JEDI Cloud contract remains uncertain.

New Army Cloud Program Office

Army Chief Information Officer (CIO) Lt. Gen. Bruce Crawford said the Army remains fully supportive of the JEDI effort, but within the next three months, it will stand up a new cloud program office. After that, the Army is likely to create at least two contracts to help migrate existing systems to the cloud. to

Focus Areas for Army Cloud Migration

In 2019, the Army plans to focus its cloud transitions in five specific areas: intelligence data, financial management applications, global force integration, logistics and maintenance, and data at the tactical edge.

“We’ve spent some time thinking about this particular problem set, and I think we’ve gleaned a lot of insights in our market research from the likes of Netflix, Airbnb, the banking industry and other government organizations over the past six months,” Crawford said. “The most insightful recommendations have been that you need to start small and focus your cloud efforts on targeted, specific problems while you learn and build the capacity as an institution to migrate to the cloud at scale.”

You can see the full article here.