November 13, 2014

On November 6, APMP Nor’easters held their central New England premier Proposal, Pursuits, Business Development and Sales event which was attended by over 100 Proposal and Business Development Professionals. The attendees included large companies such as  Philips, Schneider,GE and Siemens. Attendees were presented with great choices of presentations which included: ”Get Real or Don’t Play! Framework for Success by Shipley and Associates,” “5 Choices for Extraordinary Productivity The Time Matrix” by Franklin Covey, and “ Mistakes I’ve made, Lessons I’ve learned” byBJ Lownie . The closing presentation by Ian Levine, former VP Sales, Iron Mountain, “ Personal Marketing in a Web 2.0 World! What, Why, Where, and How to Establish a Brand” left everyone thinking they had work to do beyond their LinkedIn profile.

A wonderful day of networking and learning could not be sullied by rainy and cold New England weather.