With the final RFP expected to be released soon, NASA SEWP VI will present a game-changing opportunity for bidder companies to have a part of the largest GWAC (ceiling $77 B).

Now is the time to get prepared!  Since it has been almost 10 years since the awards for NASA SEWP V were made, NASA SEWP VI provides a new horizon in government IT.  SEWP VI will include cloud computing, virtualization and Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as offer a Enterprise Services.

To help get bidders prepared, OCI President Russell Smith, and consultant Rob Marks, recently presented a webinar on how to win a spot on SEWP VI.  This webinar was hosted by the Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP).

In late 2023, Russell and Rob hosted a previous webinar titled, “Winning NASA SEWP VI. The above APMP webinar is an updated version of this presentation that offers  new insights based on an analysis of important bidder Q&A.

Especially since bidders need to score a High Confidence rating on the Technical and Management Approach, they need to arm themselves with as much information as possible to win. This is why OCI is offering the following NASA SEWP VI resources:

Services Provided

OCI had 10 customers on the SEWP V program and helped all win contracts. Collectively they sold $1.5B in product to SEWP Customers.  OCI can help customers with their strategy, whole proposal, and proposal staff augmentation. Companies needing consultant support are cautioned that the least expensive consultants are fast disappearing.

Those interested in discussing the SEWP program can dial 703-689-9600 or submit a service form. Call now to give yourself a better chance of getting exactly what you want.